Those of you who have read my blog for a while know that I’m involved with the Artfully Done Cookbook that benefits the Wichita Art Museum. Serving on the Friends Board has been a great joy, meeting very talented, lovely people and giving back to one of my favorite philanthropic causes, the arts.
Over the past year, I’ve become quite close friends with RoxAnn Dicker, who is the editor of the cookbook, and the daughter of the lovely woman that it was written in memory of. RoxAnn and I have shared many, many bottles of wine in my kitchen brainstorming up crazy ideas of how to market the book, and talking about our love of bacon. RoxAnn is friends with a woman by the name of Bonnie Aeschliman, who has a lovely cooking school here in town (which I never knew!).
Well, my good friend RoxAnn came up with the fabulous idea of asking Bonnie if she was brave enough to let she and I teach a class all about bacon, and promoting the Artfully Done Cookbook. Bonnie “bit” on the idea, and we’re scheduled to teach a class on March 17th.
For information on how to sign up, click on Cooking at Bonnie’s Place. Bonnie’s is located at 9747 East 21st Street North – Suite 139 in Wichita, Kansas 67206. Call 316-425-5224 to make your reservation.
Hope to see you on St. Patty’s Day for a delightfully bacon-filled cooking class!
Bacon wrapped dates image courtesy of Sunset magazine.